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Bash Is a Mother, Grandmother, Friend to many and now a sought after life coach. Bash would say she has been a Life Coach long before training and qualifying in the field. Bash is the founder of Women’s Circle born from her passion to empower females to stand in their own power and live their authentic life. Her ambition is to have a Women’s Circle’s across London and eventually the UK so all women who are ready to be supported and support – can join and feel the power of the circle. 


Styleutions She-Ros

Bash’s Show focuses on ordinary women doing extra-ordinary things. All too often women are portrayed negatively in the media, victims of DV, underpaid, under-represented or at the Polar end we have the glitzy glam Mrs Hinches or Beyonce – Styleutions She-Ro’s are the everyday women who go about their lives often unnoticed and generally uncelebrated – but they are often doing this in the face of adversity. 

Styleutions She-Ros brings these stories to the fore so we can be reminded that we walk amongst She-Ros every day. The intention of these everyday stories is to shine a light for us all they are a reminder and a tonic to keep going – even when the road gets tough. Because just when you think its time to give up – Magic Happens!!